ISO certified
Acquired ISO14001 (Environmental Management System) certi
fication ISO9001 (Quality Management System) certification

Our Yamato Factory is certified according to ISO14001 and ISO9001.
While manufacturing high-quality products, we try to protect the environment and fit in the local comminity. Further, we will promote continual actions for improvement and aim at future growth.
[Category (Environment-Management) ]
- Registration number
- JAER0536
- Applicable standards
- ISO 14001:2015 (JISQ 14001:2015)
- Establishment
- Yamato Factory of Tonan Drop Forging Co., Ltd.
- Scope
Manufacturing of forged products for automobile, construction machines,industrial vehicle and others.
Scope of environmental management system - Examination body
- Japan Automobile Research Institute,Registration Body.
[Category (Quality Management)]
- Registration number
- JAQR0167
- Applicable standards
- ISO 9001:2015 (JISQ 9001:2015)
- Establishment
- Yamato Factory of Tonan Drop Forging Co., Ltd.
- Scope
- Manufacturing of forged products for automobile, construction machines, industrial vehicle and others.
- Examination body
- Japan Automobile Research Institute, Registration Body.